POCSA is a community organization blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.
The mission of POCSA is to enhance and sustain the health and well-being of members in the community by providing activities, programs and services that create blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. .Empower community members; provide essential resources; advocate for civil and human rights; and embrace, promote and support our cultural diversity. read more
How To Join POCSA?
Contact us and we will reach out to you to be a member.
Leaders of POCSA

George Fully

Jerry Massaquoi
Vice President

Lamin Tyee
General Secretary

Paul Nyenpan Jr.
Financial Secretary

Jamesetta Henries

Darlington Galtobah
Board Chairman
Our Fresh Blog Posts
The President's Speech
The President's Speech
POCSA Constitution
We, the people of the Liberian Community residing in the State of Pennsylvania, recognizing that sports is a unifying force, have come together in an orderly manner for the promotion of sports, social activities, friendship, respect for one another, and a national sense of oneness, do establish this constitution for the good governance of the below named organization.

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